Wind instruments, which note to choose?

It is sometimes difficult to know which note to choose for your wind instrument, or even quite simply what this note corresponds to. The purpose of this guide is to help you understand how to get this rating and our advice if you are just starting out. Above all, know that all the notes are accessible on wind instruments by varying your fingering, what is called "the note" is the reference one, which is directly linked to the range that you can play with the instrument. . Note that it is important to choose the right note of the instrument when playing with other musicians because this will allow you to be in tune with the other members of your group.

I am a beginner, which grade should I choose?

When you are a beginner and you play alone, this problem does not arise, but it is still very important to choose your instrument carefully for 2 reasons:

  1. Choose a popular instrument note. This will make it easier for you to find resources for learning this note.
  2. Choose a note that is easy to play. Indeed, you should know that the note of the instrument is directly related to the size of the instrument: the lower the note, the longer the instrument, and vice versa. Bass instruments are generally more difficult to pick up than medium-sounding instruments.

You will find our learning tips below. by instrument:

  • Ney: we advise you to start with a ney Doka (D) which is the most popular in Arabic music. Its size is suitable (about 60cm) and will allow you to play the majority of known oriental pieces. Almost all online courses/training are on Doka neys.
  • Kawala: although the Kawalas Doka (D) are the most used, we recommend learning on a Nawa (G) model. Indeed, the Doka kawalas are particularly large and the space between the holes is very (too) large in order to hold the instrument well. A Nawa model has a reasonable size (about 36cm), the space between the holes is perfectly suited to an inexperienced player and it will be easier to learn the breath on this note.
  • Duduk: Duduks in A are the most famous models. By default, you receive an A model when you order on our site.
  • Zorna : the most famous zornas are in G and A. By default, we send one of these 2 notes according to our arrival and it does not make much difference if you are new to the instrument.
  • Arghoul: we usually offer the notes G, A and Ré which are the 3 most used aghoul notes in the Middle East. These 3 notes are quite easy to learn (be careful to adjust the reed correctly), we recommend a note in D if you want a high sound or a note in G/A if you prefer low sounds.
  • Alghoza: the most popular notes are C, D, Mi, as well as their respective semitones. All notes are relatively easy to pick up, you can choose between these notes.

Notes Guide

  • Ney: The note corresponds to that obtained by closing all the holes except the last.
  • Kawala: The note corresponds to that obtained by closing all the holes except the last one.
  • Duduk: The note corresponds to that obtained by closing 6 holes.
  • Zorna: The note corresponds to the one obtained in empty space, without plugging any holes.
  • Arghoul: The note corresponds to that obtained by closing all the holes or blowing the drone.
  • Alghoza: The note corresponds to that obtained by closing all the holes or by blowing the drone.
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