Arab Ney Saber Kawala
This collection of Premium neys is the luxury collection of the Egyptian craftsman Saber Kawala, recognized worldwide for its very high quality neys and kawalas.
Note : If you want to start with the ney and do not know which note to choose, we recommend the Ney Doka (Re) which is the most used ney in oriental music.
Audio Album
This collection of Premium neys is the luxury collection of the craftsman Saber Kawala, recognized worldwide for his very high quality neys and kawalas.
The reed used is of better quality and more of a coarse than a classic ney. This ney is handmade by the craftsman himself and signed with his "Saber Kawala" stamp, a guarantee of quality and sound accuracy.
Dimensions of the neys: Rast (Do): 67cm, Doka (D): 60cm, Bousalek (Mi): 54cm, Gaharka (Fa): 50.5cm, Nawa (Sol): 48.5cm, Houssayni (La): 40cm, Mahour ( If): 36cm